libmedia is a library of helpers dealing with media management, as a toolbox for developers to build their applications on Android.
For mobile applications written with the React Native framework and built for Android, a native module acting as a wrapper around the library is available with the react-native-libmedia package.
and WifiSingleHttpServer
(v3+) are basic HTTP/1.1 servers.
The primary goal of these components is to serve protected contents, in streaming mode, to either:
It makes sense when the source media file is encrypted and a storage in decrypted form is not admitted, even temporary for the playing duration. If there is no cryptographic nor any other content processing, then giving directly the file path (in the case of LocalSingleHttpServer) to the player would be just enough.
The main characteristics of the server, security oriented, are:
The encrypted resource can be sourced from:
APK Expansion Zip fileassets/
directory)Have you ever had to deal with some dumb devices without a USB connector for ADB and so no way to access to the LogCat?
is basically a proxy to the native android.util.Log
With a few configuration settings, it will help you to regain the visibility of your traces, so useful during the development or debugging
The log messages of your application can be rerouted either to:
is the way to access the external Storage Units of an Android device,
as any other part of the file system. For each plugged-in unit, you get a Volume object.
When developing on a device without any USB connector or with a fewer number of connectors than the expected target, you can fake an existing ordinary internal directory as an additional Storage Container hosting emulated USB devices.
is the component representing a Storage Unit, such as an USB device or a SdCard device.
Optionally, a volume can be given a label by the mean of a special meta file.
It has these main characteristics:
Go to the Download section and choose preferably the latest .jar
Place the file under the libs/
directory of the application module of your project.
♦ Starting from v3.1 (especially if you intend to use the Storage Components),
make sure you have included in your project some pieces of the Android support library,
either directly or through another library dependency:
≥ v3.2.3 (or with android.enableJetifier=true):
dependencies { implementation("androidx.documentfile:documentfile:1.0.1") // needed for Storage Components of Libmedia library }
Legacy: for ≤ v3.2.2 (without android.enableJetifier=true), use instead: implementation("")
♦ Likely Starting from v3, if you intend to make use of the Network Components, you need to include the HttpClient Library[1].
dependencies { implementation("") // needed for Network Components of Libmedia library }
Libmedia v3.2.6 is compiled with the 4.5.8 Release.
Legacy: v3.0..3.2.5 with
[1]: The HttpClient Library (httpclient-android repository) is a direct substitute for the org.apache packages, because "Android 6.0 release removes support for the Apache HTTP client".
♦ If you intend to make use of an APK Expansion File data source, get the Google Play APK Expansion Library extra package with the SDK Manager and follow the instructions at the Developers site.
♦ If you intend to make use of an SMB data source, you need to include the jCIFS Library.
dependencies { implementation("jcifs:jcifs:1.3.17") }
Go to the License section and request a Key.
Copy-paste this Key in your AndroidManifest.xml
file as the YOUR_API_KEY below:
<manifest ... > <application ... > <activity ... > </activity> <meta-data android:name="fr.maxcom.libmedia.apiKey" android:value="YOUR_API_KEY" /> </application> </manifest>
♦ If your application intends to use any of the HttpServer
the library needs the INTERNET permission, even to just set up a local server.
In no case the library establishes an outgoing connection, except when requested to fetch your remote data source.
Set this permission in the AndroidManifest.xml
<manifest ... > <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /><!-- for *HttpServer --> </manifest>
♦ If your application intends to use the WifiSingleHttpServer
the library needs the ACCESS_WIFI_STATE permission.
Set this permission in the AndroidManifest.xml
<manifest ... > <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" /><!-- for WifiSingleHttpServer --> </manifest>
♦ If your application intends to use any of the HttpServer
and your targetSdkVersion
is 28 or higher,
you must explicitly enable HTTP traffic (only HTTPS is supported by default) in your app's Network Security Configuration.
Create or update a res/xml/network_security_config.xml
file with:
<network-security-config ... > <domain-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true"> <domain includeSubdomains="false"></domain><!-- for *HttpServer --> </domain-config> </network-security-config>
Reference this configuration file in the AndroidManifest.xml
<manifest ... > <application android:networkSecurityConfig="@xml/network_security_config" ... > ... </application> </manifest>
Before any call to the library can be made, the application code must make an initial call to Licensing.allow(Context)
Typically this takes place in the onCreate()
method of the activity declared as the application entry point:
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) Licensing.allow(applicationContext) //... }
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); Licensing.allow(getApplicationContext()); //... }
The permission allows the HttpServer components to open a network socket as a receiver, even if restricted to the local host.